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CHAPTER I – A first glance at the issues surrounding legal tech

What are the benefits and tensions that automation can bring into the legal sphere, and how are the British and French legal systems managing these challenges while accounting for the rapid evolution of technology without encroaching on their fundamental legal principles? The term “artificial intelligence” (AI) was coined in 1979 by computer scientist John McCarthy1

SURVEY RESEARCH: A.I. trend 03/05

Negli ultimi 7 giorni le parole "Intelligenza Artificiale" ricercate sul web hanno avuto queste correlazioni: In Italia: 1. Lettera - Argomento 2. Sicurezza informatica- Argomento 3. Neurone - Argomento 4. - Software 5. Dal - Alimento Nel mondo: 1. Metodo generalizzato dei momenti - Argomento 2. Data - Argomento 3. Università degli studi di

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